While the Open Access (OA) movement, with its green and gold routes, has reached a certain maturity in the world and mainly in developed countries thanks to the policies of strengthening open access to Scientific and Technical Information (STI) in all areas, it continues to progress in the developing countries including the Arab and African states.

Indeed, the advance of OA in these countries was prejudiced by the lack of awareness among researchers and policy makers of the benefits it could provide in terms of visibility of scientific production, democratization of access to research results and application of performance indicators in the academic environment.

This conference is a contribution in order to propel the OA movement globally and especially in the countries of the South endorsing reflection on issues related to the role of OA in the valorizing of scientific research. It tries to show the different approaches and policies related to this new model as well as the feedback and the role that libraries have to play in this new scene.

The objective of the conference is to promote the exchange of  experiences, views, and research results between researchers, academics, and librarians from different disciplines, on related aspects to the new models of scholarly communication. It will be a good occasion to discuss how to offer solutions to common challenges.

It will provide an overview on the latest innovations in the field of OA to STI and raise awareness of researchers and different stakeholders of the benefits of OA and get them actively involved in this movement. Moreover, there will be an opportunity to build networks of collaborative work between researchers from different countries that could initiate joint projects.



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